Varun's Vagaries

One big Potpourri

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The Start of My B-Skool Journey

Posted by Varun

I know I'm writing after a while. A _long_ while. I've spent the last few months studying,giving all sorts of exams and the long hours I put into it have finally been rewarded. I have made it to Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies!!! That was at the start of July. So why am I writing about it NOW? Well for starters, I haven't had time to catch a breath since my results came out. Managing my stuff, admissions, hostel, inductions, lectures, activities...heck..I honestly feel like my brain has completely missed some days of the last month.
Anywho, I'm gonna be making a much more sincere effort to write about my ongoing (hectic) life here. So if you have been, stay tuned.

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Age-Old Gyaan

Posted by Varun

For a few years now,I've been scouring the Internet,TOI and any other medium I can lay my hands on, to find proverbs,philosophical quotes,and general food for thought. Once just a source of exercise for my brain cells,this has been a full fledged hobby for a considerable amount of time.

   Although some may argue that this philosophy business,the proverbs,the quotations,and what are  generally perceived as the 'to do' and 'how to' lists of life are not something to be spoon fed,and that wisdom is best acquired through personal realization,I think the gyaan left behind by wise men of the old times is certainly something one can take along as a handy manual.

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The Age-Music Connekshion?

Posted by Varun

When I thought of writing this, the title that came to my mind was 'My Musical journey'. It sounds so cheesy I discarded it the second I thought of it ;)

I believe,from personal experience,that you evolve with the music you listen to,and the music you listen to evolves with you.

Having spent a few of my starting years in a convent school,songs belonging to a faith other than my own was all that disturbed my eardrums. Even so,I was oft fascinated with the word placements,mostly because the songs in question never bothered a lot about acoustics.Thankfully,I was rescued from the place and plopped into a very 'liberal' :D school in Vikhe Patil Memorial school. (Here I say,thanks mom,thanks dad,and thanks Nikhil,mazya bhaava,naitar me modern madhe sadlo asato).

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the last few months

Posted by Varun

The last few months of my life have been..let's just say, up n down.Let me explain.
In my last post I had said that I was leaving for TCS training to Coimbatore.
It was an experience I will never forget in my life.Not particularly the training or the 'company' part,but the friends I made there,the time we had there..words cannot describe the great feeling of togetherness we had in our batch. If anyone of you c43 ppl are reading this : You rock! (Correction: We Rock!).

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