Varun's Vagaries

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Finally,I've cracked.

Posted by Varun

OK here's the deal...A month ago I had posted about how I started learning to play the guitar by myself,without any help,mostly over the Internet.Well my patience has steadily worn thin.It is not enough for me to learn the lame hindi movie songs that everyone loves (and I despise)..Sure sure I've learnt some by myself,to keep people around me happy (mostly also because they have to recognize at least something of what I'm playing),but since I've proceeded towards strumming and rapid chord progressions,things haven't gone smoothly.I've waited long enough,and I still fumble with some easy songs,despite adequate practice.Hence I've decided to take the step that I didn't take so defiantly earlier.I'm seeking professional help.I'm meeting a tutor today and hopefully I'll start learning from Monday.
So looking forward to a)A pro guitarist at work b)Learning from her.

Let's see how this pans out

... Stumble Upon Toolbar ...♦... ♦... ♦...


Kavita (luvikavi) said...

Keep at it, the practice will pay off. I wish I had the diligence to sit down and play an instrument. Its a lot easier starting when you're little.

Mith said...

coool!!! learn and then teach me! i've been dying to learn to play the guitar for a looooong time

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the lessons.
The tutor might take you back to the begining to find your skill level. Just be patient and remember if playing the guitar was easy everyone would do it.

Varun said...

thanks for the chinup guys,1st lesson today,and yeah kevin,that's exactly what she told me we'd do today! Do you play?

Anonymous said...

Work hard and learn to play guitar and then..

Teach me :D

debris of euphoria said...

dis is one blog worth reading....i like to read blog in wich feelings are expressed....not sum news kinda blog....heyy by the way gotta ask abt the skin n web did ya get dat....