It's a problem of every new blogger.15 days into my new blog,I was wondering whether anyone was even reading my blog,sure my friends were,but apart from that,not much traffic.And to tell you the truth there aren't many alternatives,the blog directories(popular ones) have many restrictions put on them,like you should have atleast X number of posts,etc.Then I joined a couple of sites and registered my blog,and traffic started picking up considerably
1.BlogExplosion: It allows surfing random blogs and also there is a nice system of traffic generation on the 'I scratch your back and you scratch mine' principle.Despite that you get many serious readers and make some friends too :) If you want to join click the image below
2.Pijoo: Pijoo is a blogger community where you can share your articles and put them to vote.You will start seeing traffic as more and more people vote for your article.Join the site Here
3.Mybloglog: Mybloglog is a yahoo service similar to pijoo. you can find my profile here

nice site
i do use blogexplosion but don't think many of them read it
I dont kmow but i had read somewhere that blog explosion is dead...
well it may be not but still its certainly not getting updated.
About Pijoo joined it recently.
And mybloglog is also cool.
But if you want traffic.. traffic that shows up, increases your stats (u may not get readers)
then you should try
its just like scratch ur back mine( whatever) but its more fast and more damn' furious...
how was the comment...
xpress ur self
CrAzYbLoG ,
aha... thnaks for this one...
its like indiblogger??? i guess
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