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Censor board : Snip Snip keeenk

Posted by Varun

TV is the newest victim of merciless censorship.I was watching VH1 yesterday,the song Rockstar by nickelback came on.It's one of my favourites so I stayed with the channel.Now anyone who has heard the song will know how it's a sarcastic rebuttal of the lifestyle of the rich and the famous,how they pose to be something,and behave quite differently.Anyway,first I thought it was my cable playing tricks,but some time later I figured that the censor people had blanked out the words drug and drug dealer,who were ridiculed in the song! I mean at least take a look at the context instead of getting rid of everything everywhere! Drugs isn't a censor worthy word in the first place imo,but then who are we,the TV viewers to decide? that is up to the people with the real remote control...

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Shiva said...

ya i think the censor board is getting too much strict.


CrAzYbLoG ,

Arjun said...

yeah...!! True...

In the case of censorship, where u draw the line has always been a topic of debate..


Rinzu said...

y cant the stupid people in the censor board allow the viewers to make their choice...
why are indians still bound by outdated principles???
lots of unanswered ques...
guess u can blog about them someday...!!!


Sampath said...

we live a country infested by hypocrites and moral policemen who do everything that is immoral

mera bharat mahan sau mein sey ninyanve beyimaan