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Reincarnation anyone?

Posted by Varun

I'm really sorry,I can't remember where I found this site.Apologies to the contributor
This is one of those online tests that claim to 'analyze' something for you.How cranky,geeky,lovable,looney, are.
Here's a new one.Tells you what you will reincarnate into.It's pretty random actually,questions your shrink might ask you.Or even your weekly newspaper self-help section :P (Link)
Ignoring the pretty lame questions,I did it for the results,and found out that I'm coming back as a Zebra.It says only 23% people will have a better reincarnation than me,the zebra,mezebra,I'm confused..I would like to humbly submit,kind maker of test,that a better reincarnation is a scant consolation for a striped butt :P

Oh noes

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Lil Miss Sarcastic said...

a bear :O
i dun think i wanna reincarnate after all :D

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough you can't come back as an animal in the next life, well that's what I heard lol..but who know anything is possible hehe

Ratzzz said...

very funny.. why will anyone want to be reincarted... that too as an animal???? funny....

Joshua said...

Reincarnation!! great. Let me check out what I will be.

Karmasura said...

A gorilla!! Bah! only 14% above me..
Well, at least I did better than u :P

Jewelry Rockstar said...

25% above me, I'm gonna be an elephant!

Jil Jil Ramamani said...

ROFL at striped butt.

Im a bleddy parrot. Im already thinkin *squawk squawk* Macaws!!

Shantharam Shenoy K said...


Shantharam Shenoy K said...


Mith said...

a rhino :( 27% above me...

Craig said...

Oh my im a horse after life :P

20% people above me :P

Dan* said...

lovely :D

test said...

these kinda sites are weird at times.. i rem taking a test to analyse the type of my brain.. and it said something like i have a 'female' brain.. lol!